
Archive for December, 2011

All of us feel the pain of every living creature on this planet due to the continued exploitation and suffering inflicted upon them at the hands of the human species.  Anyone who knows me personally knows exactly how I feel on a deep personal level, as well as my commitment to the fight for animals everywhere.

Right now, there are major well funded, well established organizations addressing the needs of the voiceless around the globe,  many of those orgs which are based here in Canada are part of this network.

There can never be any question as to the importance of the global mess animals are in, it is a sad and horrific statement on today’s society as a whole.  Many of us already support the major orgs such as WSPA, HSUS, HSI Canada, IFAW and the like, we do this so that animals outside of Canada can be rescued, rehabbed and hopefully go on to live their lives in peace.


For decades animals in Canada, be they Factory Farm Animals, Battery Hens, products of Puppy/Kitten Mill and backyard breeders or animal hoarders have suffered at the hands of those profiting from their suffering.

There are those abandoned, discarded like trash;  there are those chained and neglected in the backyards of neighbors, those put into dog fighting rings;  those who are beaten, tortured and far too often used to control family members.  Every day in Canada an animal is suffering the agonies of the damned.

Every day in Canada the individuals who have dedicated their lives to rescuing, rehabilitating and the fight for improved Federal, Provincial/Territorial and Municipal  Legislation are either out in the field doing the hands on dirty job of cleaning up the horrors, or they are pounding out letters of protest demanding that positive change be legislated to protect the growing number of victims of gross animal cruelty.

There are countless numbers of both private individuals  and organized smaller rescue groups across Canada, located in every city, town, province and territory.  All making their own stand against animal cruelty, all relying on their own individual network to which they may turn to for help.

For some time now, it has been recognized that there is a great need to unite these private individuals and small rescue groups.  The larger organizations such as WSPA,PETA, IFAW, HSI Canada are well established, everyone knows about them, they have the resources and capital to send out their mailers, pamphlets and to solicit their countless donations.  They have the resources to send valued rescue operations to countries outside of Canada and in doing so to gain additional support around the globe from caring individuals who wish to help animals everywhere.

Here at home, every day, the smaller rescue groups must do what they can on their own, for the most part, all are volunteers dedicated to making a difference in the life of even just one animal.  Private citizens that care, will pick up that tiny abandoned pup or kitten, or will nurse back to health any animal that they may find.  Private citizens will tap into their own personal finances so that this little one will survive and the smaller rescue groups will rely soley upon the financial and donated time of volunteers and whatever fund raisers they can muster.

As mentioned, for years, these smaller groups have existed and operated independently, often struggling to keep their heads above water, each acting in their own region and hoping to find needed support.  Many have been on the brink of possible closure.

The proposed United Canadian Animal Welfare Coalition addresses the needs of bringing together all of these smaller groups.  In doing so not only would their be increased support and networking,  power would be added to the voices raised, the awareness of a United Front in Canada addressing the needs of the voiceless and the innocent could no longer be ignored.  The fight to have improved legislation across this country has gone on for decades, each new bill brought before the House of Commons has been defeated by the incumbent powers.

As the Founder of Action for the Protection of Northern Animals, I am very excited about this much needed United Coalition, and will continue to  be working very closely with Ms. Sarah West Founder of CFAWR (Canadians for Animal Welfare Reform).

I have in the past received private  emails which have stated that there is a definite need for a United Canadian Animal Welfare Coalition.  In order to get this off the ground, support, input and the willingness to UNITE is crucial. By forming the UCAWC Canada can lead the way that other countries around the world can follow.  If we are successful in forming the UCAWC this would set a shining example that  IT CAN BE DONE and other countries around the globe may follow suit, it is hoped that they would.
Canada’s history of unabated animal cruelty is legendary around the globe as are the antiquated laws currently in place.  While I will continue to support some of the major orgs, I truly believe that Canada’s own backyard needs to be swept clean, that more work needs to be done here at home to do just that.

Ms. West has put together the following contained below as a draft, a work in progress….

It is requested of each of you to submit your comments and ideas after reading the proposal below.

United Canadian Animal Welfare Coalition


Mission Statement

(proposed @ this point)

To unite all grass roots and other provincial animal welfare groups for the specific purpose of standing together and speaking as one voice, for the protection and welfare of all animals in Canada through positive and proactive activities , action and education  in all provinces and territories and lobbying for changes in federal animal welfare legislation.

  1. The mission statement will be carried out will be via a UCAWC council comprised of members from all provinces and territories.
  2. Initial activities are to create a minim team of 2-3 animal welfare individuals who can start to create a list of all animal welfare rescues groups in their  specific province NOT including humane societies or SPCA branches ( as yet)
  3. This UCAWC council will not include major national groups such as CFHS Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, WSPA World Society for the Protection of Animals, PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal AAC Animal Alliance of Canada, I FAW International Funds for Animal Welfare and others ( at this is point in time) to be reviewed at a later point when UCAWC is up and running
  4. The coalition hopes to recruit all groups currently in existence such as Paula Webbers group Stop Animal Cruelty in Canada and the group against Animals being regarded as property under the Canadian law
  5. Once contacts have been created and established a FACE BOOK will be set up for UCAWC and utilized to gain supporters, to educate and gain awareness
  6. All Provincial members ( contacts for UCAWC) will be administrators for the purpose of sharing provincial concerns
  7. One individual hopefully will come forward to host the face book site
  8. Once UCAWC has members from all provinces and territories a common Google doc can be created and SKYPE calls set up to “ brainstorm` re laying out activities and goals for a 12 month period
  9. It will be hoped that each Province may tackle one project or activity or smaller provinces work together on one project
  10.  An example of this will be heavy SEAL HUNT protest activities and education via articles to the media and Press releases etc and presentations to the government
  11.  Once this has been established a WEBSITE will be set up with contacts for all the Provincial council members
  12. Press releases will be issued to media re this
  13. It is hoped that all UCAWC participants will enjoy contributing their specifc and personal skills they may have and that a list of these individuals and skills can be outlined and sent to everyone
  14.  When assistance is needed with a particular projects task or emergency then the individual needing help can contact the person they think can, could help
  15. An email list ( group) can be created so that ALL  emaidl  go everyone
  16. CFAWR via Sarah West is most happy to deal with media and send out Press Releases and act as a coordinator for UCAWC in some way
  17. Sarah West is moving to the Toronto, Ontario area within the next six months so will be much closer to political activities regarding animal advocacy
  18. When it is established with UCAWC members that we  are all confident of our success as a united group we can look towards forming a board (who will also act as a council) for the purpose of becoming a NON PROFIT ( NOT with charitable status ) society
  19. Any one group or individual who may be involved on a provincial level with UCAWC but have concerns about speaking to the Government and or jeopardizing their charitable status ,can take quieter behind the scenes role
  20. Once a  council has been created a consensus will be reached on who may like to contact individual MPs etc that can be invited to participate in and with UCAWC
  21.  A CODE OF CONDUCT will be drafted that all founding participants and members will draft and agree and adhere to

Among other items the Code Of Conduct (TBD) will also relate to correspondence sent on behalf of UCAWC, protests, activist activities and confidentially when required, in order to protect other CAWC participants

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I am wolf, I am wind.

I sat in awe with tears in my eyes watching this beautiful video.  The wolf in this video reminds me of LOKI and why LOKI means so very much to me.

Stopping to say we will meet soon

LOKI in October

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This big, black beautiful boy showed up last evening with two of his fave friends.

Both friends had been here earlier 



Fiddle came inside..making herself quite at home. 

Sarg and I remained outside with LOKI.   Sarg behaved very well, despite grumblings as he wanted to share in LOKI’s meal, Sarg remained on the deck with me, waiting patiently for whatever LOKI left for him.  LOKI always will share some little tidbit with his buddies.




  LOKI never ceases to amaze me.  He truly is a Free Spirit, yet he has chosen to share his life with me on his own terms.

      With a full tummy from a warm meal, he is content and it is time for our quiet time together.  Each night he comes, and no matter the temperature or the weather conditions, we spend quality time together.  He stretched out and often myself as well in the snow, be it my driveway or my backyard.

Some have told me that there is a spiritual connection between he and I and perhaps there is.  LOKI has allowed me to be part of his world, and in allowing me this great gift, he has taught me much, not only about him but about myself as well.

Through his eyes, I see things differently, the wonders that surround me that I had lost touch with.  Through him, I have met some of his beautiful friends, and they too have allowed me to be part of their lives.

Being ‘part of’ not apart from..is the difference.  Each and every precious friend of his, has their own story to tell, each has their own lesson to teach and I as their pupil have learned so much.

  Please visit “Friends of LOKI on Facebook to see all his photos and his friends.

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Click here: (88) LegalZoom Video Contest Application on Facebook


“Saving America’s Horses” is in the running for a national TV spot and you can help with just a simple click! Please vote for “Saving America’s Horses” daily by following the link. Voting ends Dec 31st. Thank you! http://apps.facebook.com/legalzoomcontest/contests/147142/voteable_entries








WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN – just vote please – it only takes a click to make that difference for America’s horses !



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Banner used with the permission of Saving America’s Horses Campaign

Wild for Life Foundation

All Posts contained on this Blog pertaining to the issues facing the Horses across America are authored by this Blogger for the intent of drawing International attention to the issues.

Links and videos have been researched and are provided for your information.

Paving the way for continued brutality against America’s Wild Horses/Burros/Racehorses/discarded family horses/rodeo horses…..President Obama has authorized the re-opening of slaughterhouses across the U.S.


This act paves the way, allowing the Bureau of Land Management to systematically round up for slaughter Wild Horses across America, effectively exterminating these magnificent animals for the sake of big business, big bucks and profit.

U.S. horse slaughter plants were shut down years ago, years ago these “national heritage species,”  rights to live free were guaranteed by the unanimously passed Public Law 92-195 and that are supported by many millions of ordinary U.S. citizens as well as people worldwide.  https://giftofloki.wordpress.com/2011/09/24/forever-wild-and-free-mr-craig-downers-full-unedited-speech-revealing-the-truth-about-the-blm-roundups-and-plight-of-u-s-wildhorses/

Since the U.S. slaughterhouses were shut down, horses have been transported across U.S. borders into Canada and Mexico for slaughter.

Horse Slaughter in Canada!



Disturbing video sparks pressure to ban horse meat | CTV OttawaAnimal rights groups are calling for a ban on the sale of horse meat after disturbing video at a slaughterhouse in west Quebec was sent to the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition.


Not only have the BLM round ups been brutally inhumane the method of transport and the horrors these horses and burros have faced once at these slaughter plants cannot be described by any words found in the English language, or any other language period.

Recently  a Canadian MP had the courage to bring before the Canadian House of Commons a Private Members Bill to end horse slaughter in Canada.


Could this be the additional motivation behind the U.S. President’s decision to re-open slaughter houses once again across the U.S.?  Everyone involved in attempting to save the Horses cross America know full well the number of private interest groups, such as those that infringe upon the grazing lands designated for the wild horses and burros across America.  The fact that these captured, tortured and brutalized animals must then face thousands of miles in over crowded transport trucks, without food, water, for days at a time, already terrified and injured…headed for their final destination to face further horrific acts across U.S. borders may be one reason U.S. slaughter houses will re-open.  Of course jobs will be created……

Despite the public outrage and protest of U.S. Citizens, despite the International outrage and protest, despite the fact that research has proven that horse meat is unfit for human consumption on so many levels..this barbaric practice continues unabated.  Despite the fact that Congress passed Public Law 92-195 which was supported by millions across the U.S. the systematic extermination of Wild Horses and Burros continues.  Once all of these magnificent animals are finally extinct across the United States, will they wish to repopulate U.S. areas by importing what few Canadian wild horses remain back into those areas, just as they did by importing Canadian Buffalo and Wolves?  Obviously no lesson has been learned from historical mistakes!!  Once again wolves across the U.S. are being slaughtered in great numbers, wolves that are quite likely descendents of the Canadian wolves imported to repopulate many U.S. areas.

The continued Bureau of Land Management round ups, the continued brutality inflicted, the horrific suffering endured during transport and at the final destination:  slaughter houses….must NOT be tolerated!!  Must NOT be allowed to continue period.



Save Wild Horses, STOP Roundups and BLM!


Wild Horse Roundup – Challis, Idaho July 2009


There are so many organizations fighting to save these beautiful and magnificent animals and all need your support.

The Canadian Horse Defense Coalition      http://www.defendhorsescanada.org/

The Cloud Foundation:      http://www.thecloudfoundation.org/

Cloud’s Release, minus many family members


Cloud’s Family To Be Euthanized?


Cloud – The Wild Stallions of the Rockies.qt


Surprises in the Snow
An Update on Cloud, his Family, & All the Pryor Mustangs


Action Alert: Your Help Needed to Protect the Pryor Mustangs
BLM Sets Sights on Cloud’s Herd Once Again

Equine Welfare Alliance (you can subscribe to their updates)Equine Welfare Alliance | PO Box 6161 | Naperville | IL | 60567

Here is an excellent public service announcement [PSA] on horse slaughter. Please share far and wide.


Battle lines being drawn on horse slaughter issue


This is posted on Horseback  

USDA Has Disproportionate Influence on BLM Wild Horse Board


Infamous Wyoming Equine Terrorist Has Head Up Horse’s Butt, Again


American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign

Please Oppose the Roundup & Removal of Burros From Nevada’s Bullfrog HMA

This Action Will Leave Behind Just 58 Burros on More than 237 Square Miles of Land

Saving America’s Horses  www.SavingAmericasHorses.org




Sneak Peek into “Saving America’s Horses” with Filmmaker


Animal Law Coalition


If you have the courage to learn the truth, have the courage to Shout from the Rooftops to end this NOW, then you are urged to do so before it is too late.



The videos contained below are extremely graphic and very very real so if you are faint of heart, do not watch…however sticking ones head in the sand and not bearing witness to these horrors will not strength conviction to put an end to all of this.

The Death Of Braveheart (a Wild Stallion)


Is it Bad Enough For You? Wild Horses


Horse Abuse: In Their Shoes


*Horse Auctions-The sad truth*


Stop Horse Slaughter


Slaughter Horses Saved!


stop horse slaughter




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She’s alive… & beautiful !!!




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Please enjoy this beautiful video.




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Forgotten Dog’s Christmas~~


‘Twas the night before  Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a  mouse


The stockings were hung by the chimney with care

In hopes that  St. Nicholas soon would be there


The children were nestled all snug in  their beds

With no thought of the dog filling their head


And mamma in  her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap

Knew he was cold, but didn’t care about  that


When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter

I sprang from the  bed to see what was the matter


Away to the window I flew like a  flash

Figuring the dog was free of his chain and into the trash


The  moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

Gave the luster of mid-day to  objects below


When, what to my wondering eyes should appear

But Santa  Claus – with eyes full of tears


He un-chained the dog, once so lively and  quick

Last year’s Christmas present, now painfully thin and sick


More  rapid than eagles he called the dog’s name

And the dog ran to him, despite  all his pain





To the top of the porch! To the  top of the wall!

Let’s find this dog a home where he’ll be loved by  all.”


I knew in an instant there would be no gifts this year

For Santa  Claus had made one thing quite clear


The gift of a dog is not just for  the season

We had gotten the pup for all the wrong reasons


In our  haste to think of the kids a gift

There was one important thing that we  missed


A dog should be family, and cared for the same

You don’t give a  gift, then put it on a chain


And I heard him exclaim as he rode out of  sight

“You weren’t given a gift! You were given a LIFE!”



Author  Unknown

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The phrase “Home is Where the Heart Is” could not be truer for Animal Lovers and Rescuers around the World.  We are a rare breed, willing to sacrifice so much to help any animal in need.  Our only reward is knowing that if even one animal is rescued, saved and given a new forever loving home, we have indeed made a real difference.  With so many animals, abandoned, forgotten and discarded  our daunting task never ends.

All of you who have followed my work with LOKI know just how rewarding this can be.  While still not inside my home, my hope remains…yet I must also respect his desire to remain as he is, allowing our time together to be on his terms.  He is truly a free spirit and in that I admire him greatly.  Trusting me enough after 14 months, to finally take treats from my bare hand, for him is a major step.

I have received so many gifts, unknown to LOKI, that he has given me.  From the quiet times together hidden from prying eyes, to his playful woofs and dances when we are together.  Seeing him come on the run to me as I walk silently under clear skies, witnessing him flipping that chew stick high in the air with delight, rolling in the snow or just laying silently beside me, our eyes meeting and silent messages exchanged, his gifts have been many.  I have witnessed his quiet strength and his will to survive, watched his power and beauty as he races full tilt across the ravine, and he instills within me such an amazement that I remain awestruck for days.  The memories we have created and shared will last my lifetime.

Another gift LOKI has given to me, are the many friends of his that I have made.  My home has become a “Doggy” Drop In Center.  I never know which of his pals will show up on my deck or what time they will arrive.  All are most welcome and all are brought inside my home for belly rubs and treats.  Sometimes they arrive on their own, other times along with LOKI, who will lay patiently in my driveway as I allow his buddy inside.  After many hugs to his pal, I then venture outside to be with him.  Our quiet time together while his friend enjoys my couch.

“Home is Where the Heart Is” and for me and these beautiful animals my door will always remain open.

I hope you enjoy these latest pictures of some of LOKI’s friends.


Fiddle and Sarg arrive together

It is always a delight when Fiddle comes for a visit.

Fiddle makes herself completely at home

  Yes, my door is always open, it always has been, it always will be.

   All are welcome, all are loved.

    I am honoured by their company and truly blessed to share their love.

Thank You LOKI, You have wonderful friends.



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Happy New Year from Hemi

WOW!!!  Where did the year go?  Now your home is sparkling with all manner of delight, tinsel, decorative glass/plastic tree ornaments, snow globes, tree and window lights….it all looks so amazing.  Beautifully wrapped gifts tied with shiny ribbons and of course that amazing pine tree.  Holiday plants, nuts, chocolate and scented candles add to the welcome glow of your home. It is a magical time for kids, friends and family.

Your home looks beautiful, yet, all of these things can be potentially deadly to your pet.  Some snow globes contain poisonous antifreeze, holly, poinsettias, mistletoe and lilies if ingested by your pet can result in death.  Pine needles can puncture holes in your pet’s intestine, and the water keeping your tree fresh can contain deadly fertilizers held in tree sap.  NEVER put aspirin (to keep the tree fresh) in the water, you risk your pet’s life.  Shattered tree ornaments can cut a pets foot, and worse if thought to be a toy and shattered in your pet’s mouth and ingested will cause intestinal laceration and internal bleeding. Ornaments made from dried food can also cause considerable damage.

Unfortunately the holiday season is NOT a good time to bring home that much wanted puppy or kitten.  The noise and hectic activity will stress and frighten the new addition, and you will be far too busy with friends and family to keep the needed eye on the new pet which is necessary to ensure its safety.  You will not have the needed time to begin house training, nor time to keep that litter box clean…in other words…you just will not have the time needed to ensure a non traumatic adjustment to your new home for this animal, be it a kitten, puppy or mature animal.  You are best to wait until the holiday activity, is over and your home is back to normal and without the potential deadly hazards that provide the Christmas ambiance we all enjoy.

Remember that it is also a very stressful and a very dangerous time for your current companion animals. The comings and goings of family members and friends will make it far too easy for a pet to slip outside unnoticed.  Ensure you have ID on your pet’s collar, just in case. This will allow the pet to be easily reunited with you. The best precaution is to advise your guests that you have animals in the house and that they are NOT to be allowed out unless tethered.  Even better is to place your pet in another room when your guests arrive and depart, that will ensure no accidental slipping out the door.

Keep the already established routine in place, feeding and walking your dog at the same times you always did. Ensure your pet has a safe and secure place where they can hide out if need be.  Holiday activity and guests can really stress your pet out and be very frightening.  Your pet can easily experience tummy upsets and sudden illness.

Practice extreme safety, not only for your family but also your pet.  Use the gift of Common Sense.  Remember to check your smoke detectors and change the batteries if needed, can you imagine yourself out shopping while the alarm won’t stop and your pets are exposed to that high shrill for hours.

Protect those extension cords from being chewed, and for your own safety do not plug too many in one outlet.

Keep candles high up where they cannot be knocked over.  If you use tinsel, place it high on the tree, curious cats love shiny tinsel and if ingested it can cause serious intestinal blockage and intestinal strangulation.  Put away those plastic bags, the handles can wrap around a playful kittens neck, pick up those ribbons and wrapping paper once the presents are opened, plastic toys that can be chewed or stuffed toys with solid eyes and noses should be safeguarded after children’s playtime.  Toys using batteries should not be left on the floor, batteries contain acid and if chewed will cause severe burns to your pets mouth, acid ingested can lead to death.  New shoes and boots often contain small silica packs, before wrapping those gifts, dispose of those packs safely.

When buying a new pet toy, remember the size of your pet compared to size of toy.  A small ball can lodge in their throat, stuffed toys with tiny beans or silica, plastics eyes and noses are not what you want for your pet.  Toys with bells inside can be torn apart and the bells accidently swallowed.  Remember just like a young child, with an animal everything goes into their mouth.

You will likely purchase dog/cat treats…check the Internet to ensure there have been no FDA warnings or recalls for those products first. Example: the FDA has been issuing warnings on the “Chicken Tenders Jerky” treats since 2007.  Discourage guests to cave into those soulful eyes, people food can make your pet extremely sick, and no one wants a vet bill or mess to clean up.

Have a First Aid Kit handy:  many people items can be used for your pet.  Polysporin ointment for lacerations, canned pumpkin or Metamucil (dosage depends on size and weight of pet) whole wheat, high fibred bread to help the pet to pass an ingested foreign objectPepto-Bismol and plain white low fat yogurt for upset tummies is good to have on hand.

 If your pet swallows broken plastic, glass, tacks, push pins or any other sharp object call your Vet Immediately.  Often in such cases surgery is required.

Please do not tie your pet outside and leave there for the sake of houseguests, and convenience, the temperatures are far too extreme.  It is a bad mistake to believe that because your cat or dog has a fur coat that they can withstand extreme cold for very long.  If left out too long, an animal’s body reacts just like that of a human. Blood is diverted from the extremities which are the legs, tail, ears, feet; this is done so that blood is circulated to the vital organs (liver, heart, lungs and kidneys).  Deprived of blood flow, the extremities will suffer severe frostbite which can result in the loss of limbs, ear tips, nose and tail. Foot pads, their eyes, faces, noses, ears and often in males their genitalia will freeze.  How often have you witnessed your own dog outside lifting one foot at a time, or just sitting down and refusing to move….that is because their foot pads are beginning to freeze and are painful…how often have you experienced the severe pain in your toes and hands due to extreme cold..That should tell you something.   If your pet is whimpering to draw your attention or scratching at the door, let them in immediately, and base the time allowed outside, by the temperature and wind chill.  Smaller animals, such as cats, should remain indoors period, short haired dogs and those without undercoat should be protected by coats/sweaters/boots when allowed outside or taken for short walks.  The BEST precaution is to use COMMON SENSE:  Rule of thumb…if it is too cold for you, and your exposed skin will freeze in minutes/seconds then it is too cold for your pet.  Leaving your cat or dog out in extremely cold temperatures could and too often results in death.  Remember not only is it illegal to transport your dog in the back of an open pickup truck,  you are exposing the animal to increased wind chill, the possibility of falling out, jumping out and being dragged or strangled, flying objects such as ice, and death caused by possible multiple vehicle accidents.

 Look for signs of frostbite:  your pet is shivering, there is ice on limbs and body, body tissue has turned bright red, followed by a pale color, often turning to black which is indicative of dead tissue which will be followed by gangrene if not immediately treated medically.   If you see any of these symptoms you can immediately provide First Aid.

  1.  Use towels soaked in warm water (not hot) or warmed ice packs to warm the affected area
  2. Using a warm bath or bowl of warm water to soak a frozen limb or paw
  3. Once the area has been warmed, dry the area completely and NEVER massage or rub frozen tissue.  This area will be very sensitive and painful, to prevent further self-injury caused by licking or chewing, wrap your pet in a blanket and keep warm.
  4. NEVER apply snow or ice to the frozen area and NEVER completely immerse your pet into a bath, this would cause the body temperature to drop more and the result would be hypothermia.


Remember if your pet is showing signs of frostbite, there is the real possibility that the pet is also suffering from hypothermia (abnormal lowered body temperature), this can happen even if the animal does not show signs of frostbite and it will result in death if immediate action is not taken.

What you can do:  Body temperature is below 37.5C

  1. Using blankets, warm your pet, if using hot water bottles or an electric heating bad, DO NOT apply appliance  uncovered to the pet, wrap these warming agents in towels first, if you do not it can result in burns to your pet and increase the risk of tissue damage.
  2. DO NOT overheat your pet, normal body temperature is 38.5 C; monitor your dogs temperature using a rectal thermometer (perhaps an unpleasant task) but one that will save your pets life.  Remember to lubricate the thermometer first.
  3. SEEK VETERINARY CARE:  Even while your pet may seem to have recovered, both bladder and kidney problems are common in animals that have been hypothermic.  A pet that has suffered hypothermia and or frostbite is in danger of their life, and in the case of frostbite, severe life threatening infections in dead tissue resulting in gangrene which can spread rapidly.

Using Common Sense and taking the needed precautions will ensure a Safe and Happy Holiday for your family and your pets.

From my family to yours, Philly, Hemi, China, Luna and Zephr wish you all a magical and Blessed Christmas, and a Prosperous, Happy and Healthy New Year.

References: found on Pets.ca

Frostbite/Hypothermia C. Robinson, AHT Bs,  Holistic and Alternative Vet. Medicine, Salaberry Veterinary Clinic, Montreal, QC

PAW, Partnership for Animal Welfare, Greenbelt, MD




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